Send your pooch on regular day trips with other doggy friends and caring people.
Let them explore, exercise, socialise and be dogs!
Off-lead Pack Walking
Our trips include off-lead pack walking with 6-15 dogs; they learn to work as a pack, get free time to play and satisfy the need to explore!
The trips take about 3-6 hours, in that time your pooch gets a car ride (picked up from and dropped off to your Hamilton home) and a minimum of 2 hours exercise.
Sending your doggo on regular Doggy Day Trips is a great alternative that stimulates the mind, stretches the legs, practices socialising and can improve overall behaviour. Then, when you get home at night, you and your pooch can relax together!

You'll find heaps of info by exploring our website, but you can also find daily snapshots of our trips on our Facebook page below!
After every single trip, you'll find a Facebook post about the day's activities and a bunch of pics so you can be a part of the fun too!
Contact us to enrol your pooch, to answer any queries, or just to have a yarn about dogs!